This year I’m trying to find some healthier adventures, so when Sean (of Going Postal with Sean) asked if I wanted to join in for a St. Patty’s Day 5K I jumped at the opportunity. The Shamrock Shuffle in downtown Madison starts on State Street and takes you on the UW Campus.
There are a few options for participants: a 2 mile walk, as well as 5k and 10k runs. Aside from the mega-hill in the middle of the course, it’s a nice run. The price varies depending on when you sign up and if you want a shirt, but included a free beer token for State Street Brats and a number with tracking chip.
Karmen, you missed a key word in your description of the after run celebration! It’s free GREEN beer. This got me wondering… just where does this tradition stem from. In all my vast internet research it appears the first green beer was served in 1914 in Boston or New York after a coroner’s physician added a “blue wash” to pool of beer. Why green you ask? (Yes, I heard you.) The color probably comes from Ireland’s nickname, “The Emerald Isle.”
It was a fun 5k for my first, and I can tell me I’ll be doing more in the future.