While home I ventured to Chicago with my friend Sean. Sean is a fellow blogger and runs a cool site all about postcards. You should check it out here after reading this. He's going to help me tell some of his famous fun facts during this post as well. So without further delay...
After arriving in Union Station and checking into the hotel Sean began his taking me to places. He's a bit of a Chicago trip pro, while I surprisingly haven't spent much time there before. Our first stop Millennium Park for the famous Cloud Gate (also frequently called the bean.)

After taking some very classy photos of our reflection, we were feeling a bit peckish, so it was time so something delicious.
Whoa there buddy! Sean here. Did someone say classy photos? May I direct your attention to Exhibit A (right).
This is a classy photo indeed. But here is something you may not know about Cloud Gate, the sculpture is comprised of 168 highly polished stainless steel plates that have been seamlessly welded together. The Bean keeps its gleam because the lower 6 feet are cleaned with a special solvent twice daily allowing yours truly to stage a cute impromptu photo shoot. Back to you Karmen.
Gino's East has the epic and famous Chicago Deep Dish pizza. The building itself is an iconic overtaking of graffiti by past patrons. And any wait you may encounter is well worth it. Sean and I wrote a really awesome entry about this if you'd like to read more as well. We got the supreme with their housemade sausage, I was in the top circle of heaven while enjoying my slices.

After cheesy paradise concluded it was on to the tallest of our stops, the John Hancock Tower's observation deck. From the 93rd floor of this skyline beast we peered down on Chicago, we also enjoyed a cocktail. The Skyy High is the in house special, it is very blue, vodka like, and did I mention blue?
You know, this post seems ripe for some more trivial facts. Sean here yet again, Karmen I bet you didn't know that famed television host, Jerry Springer, maintains a dwelling on the 91st floor of the Hancock Tower. Pretty crazy huh? The building houses residential space at the third highest level in the world, after Trump Tower (also in Chicago) and another tower in Dubai. I just can't believe we were three floors away from Jerry's condo! Anyways, it's time for me to get back to Going Postal... I think you've got it from here.
Thanks Sean, see you for the next post. Here are some of the great views we got from the Hancock tower, as well as our beverage of choice.

Our final stops for the evening were The Map Room, a travel-themed import bar that serves an ever-changing slew of beers and ciders. I enjoyed their flag collection, and texturized map paintings as well. With one more nightcap at Elephant and Castle next to our hotel, we concluded day one of our adventures. More to come on our adventure!