I only have a few days in San Antonio for the Imaging USA conference, but I’ve been finding San Antonio to be a pretty laid back city. Really easy to navigate and everyone’s been friendly. The only problem was the January weather of rain rain rain.
The Emily Morgan Hotel
I’ll be staying at the Emily Morgan hotel, that’s where all the volunteers are setting up camp for the weekend. It’s an older hotel in the city.

The Alamo
Since I only had one short day to do some site seeing, I had to go with the basics. I decided to start with the obvious historical choice in San Antonio, the Alamo. While only part of the original grounds remains today, it’s still a major piece of history to check out. Admission is free, for current hours and tour information, check out their website.

San Fernando Cathedral
Since I was onto the history beat, next up was The San Fernando Cathedral, it’s the oldest in the United States. When I walked in the air was heavy with the smell of candles and the cathedral was dimly light. It was warm and peaceful there, so I sat for a while to take in the change of atmosphere from outside and to bask in the architecture. No photos are allowed inside, but that’s what makes the ambiance so great.

The River Walk
Back on the streets for a few hours, I took the first staircase down to the River Walk. This is the place to take in the smells of the restaurants and the various bridges, fountains, and other bits of uniqueness. In the end I was hunger struck and it started to rain so I decided to stop for lunch at an Italian restaurant called Paesano’s where I had a light lunch of bread, Lobster and Pepper Bisque soup, and a Caesar salad, while trying to dry off as much as I could before heading out again.