My first full day back in America was Tuesday, and it was time to jump-start my trip. Being from Wisconsin, the Milwaukee Brewers are my baseball team, fortunately, Miller Park is only a 45-minute drive from my parents' house, and so catching a game was my first choice of activity. We stuck to tradition and tailgated, this involves showing up to the game a few hours early with a grill, some delicious sausages, and a cooler of beer and assorted other beverages. As the many age groups gather (College kids, adults, grandparents and kids) the parking lot because a small community of grills, Frisbee games, and cars blasting some tunes. It's the perfect afternoon/early evening. We brought brats and cheddar-wurst (brats filled with cheddar cheese that melts as you grill them.) It's a delicious food item, just be careful as sometimes biting into them can cause lava hot cheese to burst out.
After devouring 1 brat and 2 cheddar-wurst (I missed the food more than I realized!) we headed into the stadium. Miller Park has a retractable roof, making it possible to control the weather conditions for the game. They kept it closed that night, making it a nice warm temperature to cheer on the team. We played the San Francisco Giants and sadly lost, but it was a still a fun game cheering with my friends, having a few cold ones, and doing the wave a few times (even a slow motion round took place.)