I realize I’ve completely failed you all at writing, but here is a small update. I haven’t had much to blog about lately, as my weekends have been less touristy and more just bumming around with my friends here having dinner and trying new venues. However, I will have much to blog about in 9 ½ days as I’ll be taking a short vacation to Korea! I’ve very excited, I’ll be gone July 20th-24th and I’m sure I’ll have much to blog about when I return (including my attempt at eating live octopus!) In the meantime I’ll try to entertain you all with a few small things. And if you guys have any new questions for me, I’d be happy to do another question and answer entry!
First some new edible items!
Pearl Milk Tea or Bubble Tea, one of my favorite drinks here

Sushi from the Night Market Vendor, an assortment of fish, vegetable, egg, and bean curd rolls

A "burger" made with very tender pork meat, cilantro, salted greens, candied peanuts all in a steamed bun

Sticky Rice: Meat, Rice, Seasonings, Vegetables, Cilantro over the top

Next, I’ve been getting postcards and other various mail from some of you, I’m using it to decorate my walls, thanks to you guys, I’ve covered a small patch above my desk! If anyone else is interested in mailing me something, I’ll mail you something as well!

Finally, wandering the city can be rather amusing as we find new places to eat, see, and enjoy. A friend and I decided to take a walking tour of the modern art in the city. This is one of the pieces. I’m not really sure what it’s supposed to be. Since then though, I’ve realized these little artistic seats are very comfortable. Sometimes I go in the early mornings and lay on them, eat some breakfast, and watch workers place new advertisements on skyscraper windows. It’s an interesting way to start your day!