This past week marked Canada Day and the Fourth of July. Now, of course, those aren't widely celebrated days here in Taiwan, but as there's a large enough ex-pat community here, there were still celebrations aplenty.
For Canada Day there was an all weekend event at the Huashan 1914 Creative Park. Music, Poutine, Whiskey Cokes, Canadian flag tattoos and more. We went on Sunday, it was a smaller crowd, but we still got some delicious snacks in. Got my first taste of poutine, while I know it probably wasn't the best or most authentic, it definitely makes me want to go try the real thing sometime.
Fourth of July was a smaller crowd, a grill, some burgers, and some blue beverages (at least one of the colors was represented.) My friends had a belated 4th cookout at their house on Friday (since we all had to work on Wednesday.) Good burgers with some Jack Daniel's BBQ sauce and cheese on them. I also made a bottle of Blue Raspberry Jolly Rancher Vodka. Not the fire-work peppered holiday I'm used to, but it was still worth celebrating!